Humans have come a long way since the dawn of time. Man has always been an inventive creature. Since the wheel, things have changed in a very big way. Our world is rapidly changing at a pace that was once unimaginable. Something new, is always right around the corner. The largest contributor to this, is technology. With technology, our lives have not only become easier, but more productive as well.

I have always been heavily interested in computers and technology, even as a small child. I remember when I built my first computer. I had no case to assemble the components in, so I built it on the top of a cardboard box, then used a screw driver to power it on. I was about the age of 12. I quickly surpassed my teachers and fellow peers in school, yet at the same time did not boast my abilities either. I was not in a race, I wanted to aquire every fiber of knowledge I could. Going to a computer store, was like a Toys-R-Us for me.

I understand a functional computer is important to everyone who owns one. It allows us to connect to social media, create, work, and so much more. My mission, is to help those in need with their computer related woes. The joy I get most, is allowing people to get back to what they were doing, plain and simple. I do not view my customers as "clients", but more as friends. My name is Ross Manning, and my hand is out.